The sound of Scotland in a pedal – the Stompnorth Clipshear valve overdrive puts all the crunchy and dirty sounds you need at your feet!


A selection of settings to give a flavour of what can be achieved, with a little twiddle of a knob... or two.

Credits: Niall Barlow of Alligator Biscuit.
Mic: Aston Origin Guitar Amp: Orange Rocker 15 – all settings at 12 o’clock. Guitar: Fender Telecaster

ClipShear Getterdrive

  • • Valve overdrive pedal

  • • A four-piece of interactive controls gives you the tools to experiment and find your sound

  • • Gain – controls the level of the signal that hits the front end of the valve stage

  • • Valve – dial in the amount of gain at the valve stage

  • • Si / off /Ge switch: add some vintage silicon or germanium clipping character

  • • Volume: Set your level to taste

  • • Goes from the slightest breakup to some full-on filthy compressed fuzz!

The flagship Stompnorth pedal, combining two separate boost/overdrive circuits with optional silicon, and germanium distortion diodes.

Clipshear uses a single 12AU7 valve, and a MOSFET transistor as the sources of its tone -generating prowess. The MOSFET section feeds into the valve section, and the diodes sit at the end of the signal path. All three features can be used together, or separately. When engaged, the diodes will add clipping to the signal regardless of any other settings. On its own the OD (MOSFET section) will produce clean boost all the way to 70s Punk over drive. Click on the diodes if you want the same tone, but with distortion. Likewise, the Valve section can produce sweet, warm saturation with great response, all the way to fantastic ‘starved plate’ overdrive; add diodes for more distortion.

All this can be mixed and matched, with your guitar and amp settings, to get an incredible variety of tones, responses, and sustain. Clipshear is fully stackable, and works amazingly plugged into your DAW as an amp simulator.



GAIN This adds MOSFET gain to the input signal, and is the first source of gain. When used together with the Valve control it can produce soaring sustain.

Valve This controls the amount of gain applied to the 12AU7 valve circuit, and follows the Gain control. Used by itself, the Valve has a brighter sound than the Gain control, and is more dynamic.

VOL This is an active master volume control used to trim the final output level. It can also be used on its own as a boost of approximately 17dB.

Si/Ge  OFF This switch adds diode clipping, at any time, to any setting of the other controls, in either Silicon or Germanium flavours.

Indicator Lights A blue LED illuminates when 9v power is applied to the power jack. From power-up, it takes about fifteen seconds for the valve to warm up, no sound is heard from the pedal during this time. An orange LED illuminates behind the valve when the effect is engaged. When extinguished Clipshear is in True Bypass.
