The famous Midgie in four-string form, with all the same boutique style, optimised for the back line.

Stomp Samples

A selection of settings to give a flavour of what can be achieved, with a little twiddle of a knob... or two.

Credits: Niall Barlow of Alligator Biscuit.
Mic: Aston Origin. Bass Amp: Orange Crush Bass 100. – all settings at 12 o’clock. Bass: Fender Jazz.


  • • Bass version of the famous Midgie booster overdrive

  • • The classic Midgie sound now optimised for bass guitar

  • • Gain, overdrive and output volume knobs

  • • Switch takes you from a silicon OD circuit to the unique ‘Fauzz’ setting…

  • • The Fauzz circuit is a unique ‘faux fuzz’ that is specifically optimised for bass

  • • The gain and overdrive controls are interactive and their effects vary with the position of the Fauzz switch…

  • … for a huge variety of sounds

The clue is in the name! This is a bass tuned version of the six string Midgie, featuring silicon diode clipping, and MOSFET feedback clipping called Fauzz.

Again this is a low gain circuit, but still has enough headroom to drive your amp for heavier distortion tones. Si provides asymmetric clipping to nicely dirty up your bass, while Fauzz is a fuzzier, thicker effect. Bass Midgie is designed to be transparent, so you will always know which bass you are playing. It’s for those times when you want to add a quality edge to your tone.



OD: This control controls the amount of overdrive.

GAIN: This control works dynamically with the OD control, and sets the upper limit of gain.

FLAVOUR: Switch takes you from a silicon OD circuit to the unique ‘Fauzz’ setting…

The Fauzz circuit is a unique ‘faux fuzz’ that is specifically optimised for bass

VOL: This is a master volume control used to trim the final output of Bass

Midgie Bass Crystal: Just for fun we cast four genuine culicoides impunctatus – or Scottish Midgies into the indicator light. This is your mini beast status indicator. When glowing “Y-Fronts White”, your Bass Midgie is active. When extinguished it is in True Bypass.


Please note that since these photos were taken, I've now done away with the option of battery power. My little bit for the environment.